1. Recognize that most problems are based upon a literal interpretation of the Bible. (27:1) 2. Start with points of agreement with 'fellow Christians'. 3. Remove the FEAR of False Prophet, Antichrist, Devil, etc. (27:3) 4. Always turn to the Bible itself, reading passages before and after (in context), plus other verses on the subject via Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. (27:4) 5. Resolve apparent contradictions and dilemmas caused by literal reading by interpretations base upon the principles of the Kitab-i-Iqan, especially the "Two-Fold Language" and the "Two-Fold Station": 6. Redirect doctrinal concerns to the proofs of Baha'u'llah. (27:6) 7. Always avoid disputes or criticism; the spirit in which you speak is probably more important than the actual content of what you say.