Who Was the Bab? (1:1) By studying the life and words of the Bab, we can discover every proof that God has bestowed on His great Messengers and Redeemers: (1:2) Thou art the Repository of all Our proofs in this Day.1 The Bab (1:3) On May 22, 1844, a young man who called Himself the Bab (the Gate) proclaimed Himself the One promised in all Holy Scriptures. He declared the dawning of a new day in the religious history of humankind: the day of peace and unity, the age of the coming of the heavenly Kingdom to the earthly, the day of divine justice. Here is an invitation from the Bab to all seekers and lovers of truth: (1:4) Assuredly we are today living in the Days of God. These are the glorious days on the like of which the sun hath never risen in the past. These are the days which the people in bygone times eagerly expected. What hath then befallen you that ye are fast asleep? These are the days wherein God hath caused the Day- Star of Truth to shine resplendent. What hath then caused you to keep your silence? These are the appointed days which ye have been yearningly awaiting in the past-- the days of the advent of divine justice. 2 The Bab (1:5) Just as John the Baptist foretold the coming of One greater than Himself, so did the Bab. He referred to One still to come by many titles, among them Baha'u'llah (Glory of God). (1:6) The Bab came from southern Persia, where God promised to set His throne. Within the brief span of His ministry (1844-1850), He attracted many followers, thousands of whom were massacred, mostly by order of fanatical religious leaders of Islam who feared the loss of their powers. The Bab Himself was imprisoned and finally executed in 1850. (1:7) The Bab's mission was primarily symbolic of the destruction of the old order; Baha'u'llah's mission was the creation of a new order to replace the old. One came to clear the way, the other to build. (1:8) All God's Messengers reveal the same signs of greatness. They manifest His light with full glory and splendor. If we know what a genuine diamond is like, we can use our knowledge to test and identify other diamonds. Otherwise, we may consider a diamond a stone and a stone a diamond. Therefore we need standards. The best way we can find the standards is to look at the lives of God's great Messengers to identify what makes them stand out from others. The lives of Jesus and the Bab are astonishingly alike. Lord of Lords presents 83 parallels between the lives, the works, and the destinies of these two great Redeemers. (1:9) How Was the Bab Martyred? (1:10) The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. Christ (John 10:11) (1:11) The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life... Christ (Matt. 20:28) (1:12) I have sacrificed myself wholly for Thee; I have accepted curses for Thy sake, and have yearned for naught but martyrdom in the path of Thy love. Sufficient witness unto me is God, the Exalted, the Protector, the Ancient of Days.3 The Bab (1:13) I heard a Voice calling in my inmost being: 'Do thou sacrifice the thing which Thou lovest most in the path of God...'4 The Bab (1:14) For assuredly whatsoever God hath decreed for Me shall come to pass and naught else save that which God hath ordained for us shall ever touch us. Woe betide him from whose hands floweth evil, and blessed the man from whose hands floweth good.5 The Bab (1:15) Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come! Christ (Matt. 18:7) (1:16) The Bab was martyred in July of 1850, a few months short of His 31st birthday. His martyrdom is one of the best documented and most incredible events in religious history. It was observed by an estimated audience of 10,000 and recorded by writers of various religious persuasions, and even by the official historian of the state that ordered the execution. (1:17) First, a few words regarding the reasons behind the martyrdom. Why did Christ and the Bab offer their lives? An essential feature of the design of creation is that every worthy achievement must be preceded or accompanied by a sacrifice. Whether it is raising well-behaved children, getting a degree, staying healthy, losing weight, or eliminating racism, sexism, and poverty, some degree of sacrifice is required. (1:18) To grow and multiply, to bear flowers and fruits, the seed must sacrifice itself: (1:19) Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Christ (John 12:24) (1:20) What is by far the greatest achievement? It is educating humanity, elevating the human spirit to everlasting hope and happiness; it is leading the soul from the kingdom of earth to the Kingdom of Heaven. Can such a glorious purpose be achieved without sacrifice? (1:21) Human beings are best inspired by models who show their devotion and sincerity through examples. The first ones to offer perfect examples of devotion, nobility, and self-sacrifice are God's chosen Messengers. If they, with all their perfections and powers, submitted themselves to the law of sacrifice, are we not inspired to do the same? (1:22) I have set you an example: you are to do as I have done for you. Christ (John 13:15) (1:23) I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. Christ (John 10:11)