1.In the study of biblical prophecy, the period of time called a 'day' becomes a 'year' when calculating the passing of time: (14:5) 2.This theory was supported by the following prophecies. (14:6) A.Numbers xiv.34. "Even forty days, each day for a year." (14:7) see B.Ezekiel iv.6. "I have appointed thee each day for a year." (14:8) see ..F. Hudgings in his Zionism in Prophecy writes: "A solar year, of course, contains a fraction over 363 days, but in computing 'symbolic time' as it is set forth in the Scripture, students of prophecy find that the writers simply divided the year into 12 months of 30 days each.. a time or a year in Scriptural symbology refers to 360 solar years-- each day representing a year.".... (15:1) ..The axiom of 360 days for a year or a time was derived from the following verses: (15:3) 1.Genesis vii:11.-- The waters of the flood came on the 17th day of the second month. (15:4) see 2.Genesis viii:4 -- The waters abated and ceased on the 17th day of the seventh month, Genesis vii.24:-- The waters prevailed upon the earth 150 days. (15:5) see From the 17th day of the second month to the 17th day of the seventh month was exactly five months. These five months took exactly 150 days.. five months of 30 days each. (15:7) According to the second promise of Christ, these Gentiles (Romans-Muslims) would tread the city underfoot until the hour of His return which would be 1260 years (see Day For A Year in this data base).. The year 1260 of the calendar of the Muslims coincides with the year 1844 of the calendar of the Christians.