1st - [Gospel Preached in all World] (8:3) ..."Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" (Matt 24,3) (8:4) 78 see ..Christ then gave His first promise to His disciples in the following words: (8:5) "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness... then shall the end come.".... (Matt 24,14) (8:6) see ..By 1844 it was being taught even in the interior of Africa, not by solitary missionaries, but on an organized scale. A commercial history of East Africa states: "Christian missions began their activities amongst the African people in 1844.".... (Year Book & Guide to East Africa - 1953) (8:9) .."In 1804 the British and Foreign Bible Society was organized. Students of the prophetic word felt at the time that these agencies were coming in fulfilment of the prophecy...." (Spicer - Our Day in the Light of Prophecy) (9:3) Before 1804, the Bible had already been printed and circulated in fifty languages. In 1816 the American Bible Society was formed. George Storrs in the newspaper, Midnight Cry, on May 4th, 1843, stated that these two societies (British and American) with their innumerable branches were spreading the Gospel of Christ in every part of the world. (9:5) G.S. Faber in 'Eight Dissertations', which was completed in the very year of greatest prophetic fervour, 1844, declares: "The stupendous endeavours of one gigantic community to convey the Scriptures in every language to every part of the globe may well deserve to be considered as an eminent sign even of these eventful times. Unless I be much mistaken, such endeavours are preparatory to the final grand diffusion of Christianity, which is the theme of so many inspired prophets, and which cannot be far distant in the present day." (9:6) M.H. Goyer writes in his book on prophetic fulfilment: "The British and Foreign Bible Society (for one example) has issued, since its foundation in 1804, over 421 million copies of the Scriptures, in practically every country known throughout the globe." (10:1) In 'Our Day in the Light of Prophecy', Spicer wrote that the Gospel in his day had been spread "ninety-five per cent of the inhabitants of the earth." He added: "It was in 1842 that five treaty-ports in China were opened to commerce and to missions-- advance steps in the opening of all China to the Gospel. In 1844 Turkey was prevailed upon to recognize the right of the Moslems to become Christians, reversing all Moslem tradition. In 1844 Allen Gardiner established the South American Mission. In 1842 Livingstone's determination was formed to open the African interior." (10:2) Dr. A. T. Pierson in 'Modern Mission Century' wrote: "India, Siam, Burma, China, Japan, Turkey, Africa, Mexico, South America... were successively and successfully entered.. from 1853 to 1858.. seven different countries, together embracing half the world's population." (10:3) There were many additional references which made it clear that the Gospel of Christ, and its teachers, had entered every continent by the year 1844.. (10:4) This was considered by the students of Scripture to be the exact fulfilment of the words of Christ given in Mark: (10:5) "And the gospel must first be published among all nations." (Mark 13,10) (10:6) see In this same chapter, Christ warns that when this takes place: (11:1) "Take heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is." (Mark 13,33) (11:2) see When this Gospel is published in all nations, Christ again promises: (11:3) "...then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory." (Mark 13,26)