"That Essence of the Divine Entity and the Unseen of the unseen is holy above imagination and is beyond thought. Consciousness doth not reach It." (Bwf 382) (10:1) "The mystery of Divinity is sanctified and purified from the comprehension of the beings, for all that comes to the imagination is that which man understands, and the power of the understanding of man does not embrace the Reality of the Divine Essence." (Bwf 322) (10:2) "That which we imagine, is not the Reality of God; He, the Unknowable, the Unthinkable, is far beyond the highest conception of man." (Pt 25) (10:3) "Some worship the product of their own imagination: they make for themselves an imaginary God and adore this." (Pt 145) (10:4) "They that are the worshippers of the idol which their imaginations have carved, and who call it Inner Reality, such men are in truth accounted among the heathen." (Gl 338)