"Thus hath He (Muhammad) revealed: '...Blind is the eye which doth not perceive Thee... No thing have I perceived, except that I perceived God within it, or God after it.'" (Bwf 117) (10:6) "The source of error is to disbelieve in the one true God, rely upon aught else but Him, and flee from His decree." (Bwf 142) (10:7) "Know thou for a certainty that whoso disbelieveth in God is neither trustworthy nor truthful... Nothing whatever can deter such a man from evil..., nothing can induce him to walk uprightly." (Bwf 43) (10:8) "If thou should ask a thousand persons, 'What are the proofs of the reality of Divinity?' perhaps not one would be able to answer. If you should ask further, 'What proofs have you regarding the essence of God?' 'How do you explain inspiration and Revelation?'... you would receive very little real knowledge and enlightenment upon these questions... This is in reality the science of Divinity. Divinity is not what is set forth in dogmas and sermons of the church. Ordinarily when the word divinity is mentioned it is associated in the minds of the hearers with certain formulae and doctrines, whereas it essentially means the wisdom and knowledge of God... the revelation of reality." (Pup 79) (10:9) "The creator of man must be more perfect and powerful than man. If the creative cause of man be simply on the same level with man, then man himself would be able to create... Therefore the creator of man must be endowed with superlative intelligence and power... In other words... all virtues have a center and source. That source is God." (Pup 79) (10:10) "Cleave ye to your own devices, and cast behind your backs the precepts of God? Ye, indeed, have wronged your own selves and others." (Gl 124) (10:11) "With fixed and steady gaze, born of the unerring eye of God, scan for a while the horizon of divine knowledge, and contemplate those words of perfection which the Eternal hath revealed, that haply the mysteries of divine wisdom, hidden ere now beneath the veil of glory and treasured within the tabernacle of His grace, may be made manifest unto you." (Iqan 16- 7)