The Worlds of God - U.S.Baha'i National Ref Library Committee
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"I hope... certain souls may arise who may prove radiant lamps to the world of humanity and a merciful spirit to the phenomenal body; that they may be the cause of the purification of souls and the means of the sanctification of hearts;... that they may arise in such wise as to live by the divine teachings and exhortations... as to sparkle like the morning star from the horizon of holiness." (SofW Vol 7 p151) (102:7)

"They who are the people of God have no ambition except to revive the world, to ennoble its life, and regenerate its peoples... Their outward conduct is but a reflection of their inward life." (Gl 270- 1) (102:8)

"Valiant acts will ensure the triumph of this Cause... This is... the first choice of His unrestrained Will for every one of you." (Bwf 140) (102:9)

"He that seeketh to be a helper of God in this Day... should cleanse his heart from all evil passions and corrupt desires, for the fear of God is the weapon that can render him victorious." (Gl 272) (102:10)

"The source of courage and power is the promotion of the Word of God, and steadfastness in His love." (Bwf 141) (102:11)

"A word hath... been written down and recorded by the Pen of the Most High... which is capable of fully disclosing that force which is hid in men, nay of redoubling its potency." (Esw 32) (102:12)

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