"Man all over the world is seeking God. All that exists is God; but the Reality of Divinity is holy above all understanding. The pictures of Divinity that come to our mind are the product of our fancy; they exist in the realm of our imagination. The are not adequate to the Truth; truth in its essence cannot be put into words. Divinity cannot be comprehended because it is comprehending. Man, who has also a real existence, is comprehended by God; therefore the Divinity which man can understand is partial... not complete. Divinity is actual Truth... not any representation of it... contains All, and is not contained." (Abdul Baha in London p8) (13:3) "Within the capacity of comprehension of a produced reality that Ancient Reality cannot be contained. It is a different world; from it there is no information; arrival thereat is impossible; attainment thereto is prohibited and inaccessible. This much is known: It exists and Its existence is certain and proven-- but the condition is unknown." (Bwf 382) (13:4) "All superior kingdoms are incomprehensible to the inferior; how therefore could it be possible that the creature, man, should understand the almighty Creator of all?" (Pt 24) (13:5) Yet "Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is a direct evidence of the revelation within it of the attributes and names of God, inasmuch as within every atom are enshrined the signs that bear eloquent testimony to the revelation of that Most Great Light." (Bwf 116) (13:6) "The Divine Reality is Unthinkable, Limitless, Eternal, Immortal and Invisible... It is beyond the understanding of man, and cannot be described it terms which apply to the phenomenal sphere of the created world." (Pt 57- 8) (13:7) "All that man is able to understand are the attributes of Divinity, the radiance of which appears and is visible in worlds and souls." (Bwf 322) (13:8) "Wishing to reveal Thyself, Thou didst call into being the Greater and the Lesser Worlds, and didst choose Man above all Thy creatures, and didst make Him a sign of both of these worlds... Thou didst raise Him (capital letter, indicating the Perfect or Divine Man (or Manifestation)) to occupy Thy throne before all the people (small letter, indicating man, the imperfect creature) of Thy creation. Thou didst enable Him to unravel Thy mysteries, and to shine with the lights of Thine inspiration and Thy Revelation, and to manifest Thy names and Thine attributes. Through Him Thou didst adorn the preamble of the book of Thy creation, O Thou Who art the Ruler of the universe Thou hast fashioned." (Bwf 70- 1) (13:9) This explains the two lower "conditions" of existence, seen in the over- all Picture.