"The beginning of all things is the knowledge of God, and the end of all things is strict observance of whatsoever hath been sent down from the empyrean of the Divine Will that pervadeth all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth." "All the wondrous works ye behold in this world have been manifested through the operation of His supreme and most exalted Will, His wondrous and inflexible Purpose." (Gl 5; Gl 141) (23:6) "The purpose of the one true God in manifesting Himself is to summon all mankind... to resignation and submissiveness to the Will of God." (Gl 299) (23:7) "None can escape the snares He setteth, and no soul can find release except through submission to His will." (Iqan 251) "The source of all good is trust in God, submission unto His command and contentment in His holy will." (Bwf 140) "The essence of understanding is to testify to one's poverty and submit to the Will of the Lord, the Sovereign, the Gracious, the All- Powerful." (Bwf 141) (23:8) "O ye peoples of the world! Know assuredly that My commandments are the lamps of My loving providence among My servants, and the keys of My mercy for My creatures... sent down from the heaven of the Will of your Lord, the Lord of Revelation." (Bwf 127) (23:9) "Recognize God as 'Him that doeth whatsoever He pleaseth'." (Iqan 171)