"Glory be to Thee, O my God! The power of Thy might beareth me witness! I can have no doubt that should the holy breaths of Thy loving- kindness and the breeze of Thy bountiful favor cease, for less than the twinkling of an eye, to breathe over all created things, the entire creation would perish, and all that are in heaven and on earth would be reduced to utter nothingness." "Thou didst wish to make Thyself known unto men; therefore Thou didst, through a word of Thy mouth, bring creation into being and fashion the universe." (pam 90; Bwf 142) (30:2) "Bear thou witness... that there is none other God but Him, that all else besides Him have been created by His behest, have been fashioned by His leave, are subject to His Law, are as a thing forgotten when compared to the glorious evidences of His oneness, and are as nothing when brought face to face with the mighty revelations of His unity." (Gl 192- 3) (30:3) "The connection between God and the creatures is that of the creator to the creation; it is like the connection between the sun and the dark bodies of contingent beings, and is the connection between the maker and the things... he has made." "Such an existence is a contingent and not an absolute existence, inasmuch as... (it) is preceded by a cause." "The dependence... is a dependence of emanation... The relation is that of emanation... The light of the sun emanates from the sun,... the globe of the sun does not become divided and does not descend to the earth... (Thus) all creatures emanate from God;... it is by God that all things are realized" (made real), "and by Him that all beings have attained to existence." "Through Him all things live, move, and have their being." (Bwf 315; Gl 157; Bwf 315; Iqan 34) (30:4) "Dost thou believe thou hast the power to frustrate His Will, to hinder Him from executing His judgment, or to deter Him from exercising His sovereignty?... Nothing whatsoever in the whole of creation can thwart His Purpose. Cast away, therefore, the mere conceits thou dost follow, for mere conceit can never take the place of truth." (Gl 220) (30:5) "Verily He Who is the Day- Star of Truth and Revealer of the Supreme Being holdeth, for all time, undisputed sovereignty over all that is in heaven and on earth, though no man be found on earth to obey Him." He "holdeth in His grasp the kingdom of the entire creation." "Divine Will... pervadeth all that is in the heavens and... on earth." (Iqan 97; Bwf 41; Gl 51) (30:6) "O God of Mercy, Thou Whose power pervadeth all created things,... in Thy grasp are the reigns of all that are in the heavens and on the earth." (Esw 31; Bpr 137)