The Worlds of God - U.S.Baha'i National Ref Library Committee
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Purpose and Power: "Wishing to reveal Thyself, Thou didst call into being the Greater and the Lesser Worlds, and didst choose Man above all Thy creatures, and didst make Him a sign of both these worlds, O Thou Who art our Lord, the Most Compassionate!" (Bwf 70- 1) (32:5)

"Having created the world and all that liveth and moveth therein, He... chose to confer upon man the unique distinction and capacity to know Him and to love Him-- a capacity that must needs be regarded as... the primary purpose underlying the whole of creation... Upon the inmost reality of each and every created thing He hath shed light on one of His names, and made it a recipient of the glory of one of His attributes. Upon the reality of man, however, He hath focused the radiance of all of His... attributes, and made it a mirror of His own Self." (Bwf 102- 3) (32:6)

To know and to love Divinity is both the Purpose and power of creation and of man. (32:7)

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