"The outward powers (of the rational soul) are five: the power of sight, of hearing, of taste, of smell, and of feeling. The inner powers are also five: the common faculty, and the powers of imagination, thought, comprehension, and memory." (Bwf 315) (4:1) "Idle fancies have debarred men from the Horizon of Certitude, and vain imaginings withheld them from the Choice Sealed Wine." (Esw 44) (4:2) "So great is the folly and perversity of the people, that they have turned their face toward their own thoughts and desires, and have turned their back upon the knowledge and will of God..." (Iqan 171) (4:3) "Because man has stopped his ears to the Voice of Truth and shut his eyes to the Sacred Light, neglecting the law of God, for this reason has the darkness of war and tumult, unrest and misery, desolated the earth." (Pt 32- 3) (4:4) Leaders "have entangled all men, themselves included, in the mesh of their devices... They have conceived the straight crooked, and have imagined their friend an enemy." (Bwf 36) (4:5) "The bestowals of God which are manifest in all phenomenal life are sometimes hidden by intervening veils of mental and mortal vision which render man spiritually blind and incapable, but when those scales are removed and the veils rent asunder, then the great signs of God will become visible and he will witness the eternal light filling the world. The bestowals of God are all and always manifest... but should the conscious eye of the soul of man remain veiled and darkened, he will be led to deny these universal signs and remain deprived of these manifestations of divine bounty.." (Bwf 266) (4:6) "Shouldst thou rend asunder the grievous veil that blindeth thy vision, thou wouldst behold such a bounty as naught... can either resemble or equal." (Gl 108) (4:7) "Turn your faces away from the contemplation of your own finite selves and fix your eyes upon the Everlasting Radiance; then will your souls receive in full measure the Divine Power of the Spirit... This is the meaning of the power of the Holy Spirit." (Pt 166) (4:8) "It is incumbent upon thee, by the permission of God, to cleanse the eye of thine heart from the things of the world, that thou mayest realize the infinitude of divine knowledge, and mayest behold Truth so clearly that thou wilt need no proof to demonstrate His reality, nor any evidence to bear witness unto His testimony." (Iqan 91) (4:9) "Well is it with him who, aided by the living waters of the utterance of Him Who is the Desire of all men, hath purified himself from idle fancies and vain imaginings." (Esw 42) (4:10) "God has conferred upon man the gift of guidance... To express his gratitude for the favors of God, man must show forth praiseworthy actions... Whatsoever he wishes to do must be in harmony with the good- pleasure of God. He must... see what is the will of God, and act accordingly." (Pup 231)