"Whoso hath been quickened by its vitalizing power, will find himself impelled to attain the court of the Beloved; and whoso hath deprived himself therefrom, will sink into irretrievable despondency." (Bwf 96) (40:2) "A man sees, hears or speaks-- seeing, hearing and speaking being the different functions of the same power or reality that animates him... The one invisible primal essence had various names." (RofM 16 '56 Ed) (40:3) "There is still another power which is differentiated from that of the soul and mind" (though the soul has access to it). "This... power is the spirit which is an emanation from the divine Bestower..., the spirit of faith, the spirit... Christ refers to when He says, 'Those that are born of flesh are flesh, and those that are born of the spirit are spirit.'" Faith "is the axis round which the eternal life revolves." (RofM 17 '56 Ed) (40:4) "The reality of man is the collective reality, the general reality, and is the center where the glory of all the perfections of God shine forth." (Bwf 311)