"Man... has a body which grows and which feels." (Bwf 331) (44:1) "At the beginning of the amalgamation of the elements and natures in the womb, the power of the spirit begins... to appear in the body gradually and successively according to the preparation and capacity to receive that everlasting abundance." (Bwf 367) (44:2) "The wisdom of the appearance of the spirit in the body is this: the human spirit is a Divine Trust, and it must traverse all conditions; for its passage and movements through the conditions of existence will be the means of its acquiring perfections... When the human spirit passes through the conditions of existence... it will become the possessor of each degree and station. Even in the condition of the body it will surely acquire perfections." (Bwf 313) (44:3) "The connection of the spirit with the body is like that of the sun with the mirror... The spirit with the utmost greatness rules in the world of the body, and its power and influence, like the bounty of the sun in the mirror, are apparent and visible." (Bwf 328) (44:4) "The physical body... lives under its entire control" (the soul's) and "in accordance with its dictates. If the soul identifies itself with the material world... (and) remains in this station... it (the soul) will be the recipient of this darkness; but if it becomes the recipient of the graces of the world of the mind, its darkness will be transformed into light... until it reach the apex." (RofM 16 '56 Ed) (44:5) "In the beginning of his human life man was embryonic in the world of the matrix. There he received capacity and endowment for the reality of human existence. The forces and powers necessary for this world were bestowed upon him in that limited condition. In this world he needed eyes; he received them potentially in the other. He needed ears; he obtained them there in readiness for his new existence. The powers requisite in this world were conferred upon him in the world of the matrix, so that when he entered this realm of real existence he not only possessed all necessary functions and powers but found provision for his material sustenance awaiting him. Therefore in this world he must prepare himself for the life beyond. That which he needs in the world of the Kingdom must be obtained here. Just as he prepared himself in the world of the matrix by acquiring forces necessary in this sphere of existence, so likewise the indispensable forces of the divine existence must be potentially attained in this world." (Pup 220- 1) (44:6) "Had the life of man... been only confined to his life in this world, the creation would have proved useless,... abortive... Had the life and growth of the child in the womb been confined to that condition, then the existence of the child in the womb would have proved utterly.. unintelligible; as would the life of this world, were its deeds, actions and their results not to appear in the world to come." (Bwf 393)