The Worlds of God - U.S.Baha'i National Ref Library Committee
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"The soul of man is exalted above, and is independent of all infirmities of body or mind... The soul itself remaineth unaffected by any bodily ailments. Consider the light of the lamp. Though an external object may interfere with its radiance, the light itself continueth to shine with undiminished power. In like manner, every malady afflicting the body of man... preventeth the soul from manifesting its inherent might and power. When it leaveth the body... it will evince such ascendancy, and reveal such influence as no force on earth can equal." (Bwf 120) (46:3)

"In the next world man will find himself freed from many of the disabilities under which he now suffers. Those who have passed on through death, have a sphere of their own. It is not removed from ours: their work of the Kingdom is ours; but it is sanctified from what we call time and place... Those who have ascended have different attributes (conditions) from those who are still on earth, yet there is no real separation." (Dal 124) (46:4)

"In the time of sleep this body is as though dead;... but the spirit lives and subsists. Nay, its penetration is increased, its flight is higher, and its intelligence is greater... Our body is like a cage, and the spirit (soul) is like the bird. We see that without the cage this bird flies in the world of sleep; therefore if the cage becomes broken, the bird will continue and exist: its feelings will be even more powerful, its perceptions greater, and its happiness increased." (Bwf 326- 7) (46:5)

"It is the soul that animates the body; the body alone has no real significance. Deprived of the blessings of the Holy Spirit, the material body would be inert." (Pt 133) (46:6)

Speaking "of the soul... this physical body... lives under its entire control in accordance with its dictates." (RofM 16) (46:7)

"The soul of man should be likened unto this sun, and all things on earth should be regarded as his body. So long as no external impediment interveneth between them, the body will... continue to reflect the light of the soul, and to be sustained by its power. As soon as, however a veil interposeth itself between them, the brightness of that light seemeth to lessen." (Bwf 120- 1) (46:8)

"The spirit is changeless, indestructible. The progress and development of the soul, the joy and sorrow of the soul, are independent of the physical body... (though) the grief or trouble of the soul may react on the body." (Pt 65) (46:9)

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