"Next in rank (to the gift of understanding conferred upon man), is the power of vision, the chief instrument whereby his understanding can function. The senses of hearing, of the heart, and the like, are similarly to be reckoned among the gifts with which the human body is endowed. Immeasurably exalted is the Almighty Who hath created these powers, and revealed them in the body of man." (Bwf 122) (58:2) "O Son of Bounty! Out of the wastes of nothingness, with the clay of My command I made thee to appear, and have ordained for thy training every atom in existence and the essence of all created things." (Hwp 32) (58:3) "These material bodies are composed of atoms; when these atoms begin to separate decomposition sets in, then comes what we call death. This composition of atoms which constitutes the body or mortal element of any created being, is temporary. When the power of attraction, which holds these atoms together, is withdrawn, the body, as such, ceases to exist." (Pt 90- 1) (58:4) "It is incumbent... (to) cleanse the heart-- which is the wellspring of divine treasures-- from every marking, and... turn away from imitation." (7 Val 5) (58:5) "God has not intended man to blindly imitate... He has endowed him with the faculty of reasoning... to investigate and discover truth; and that which he finds real and true, he must accept. He must not be an imitator or blind follower." (Pup 285) (58:6) "As outer circumstances are communicated to the soul by the eyes, ears, and brain of man, so does the soul communicate its desires and purposes through the brain to the hands and tongue of the physical body, thereby expressing itself." (Pt 86) (58:7) "The power of the sympathetic nerve are neither entirely physical nor spiritual, but are between the two. The nerve is connected with both. Its phenomena shall be perfect when its spiritual and physical relations are normal." (.."normal relations" are that the soul control the body) (Dal 58) (58:8) "Among other human forces, the power of ideation or faculty of intellection is material." (Pup 319)..