The Worlds of God - U.S.Baha'i National Ref Library Committee
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"The minds of the wise and learned are impotent to fathom the secrets of Thy handiwork." "The learned, one and all, stand aghast before the signs and tokens of Thy handiwork, while the wise find themselves, without exception, impotent to unravel the mystery of... the Manifestations." (pam 92- 3; pam 98- 9) (65:7)

"Religion and science are the two wings upon which man can soar into the heights, with which the human soul can progress... With the wing of science alone he would... make no progress, but fall into the despairing slough of materialism." (Pt 143) (65:8)

"O ye seemingly fair yet inwardly foul! Ye are like clear but bitter water, which to outward seeming is crystal pure but which, when tested by the divine Assayer, not a drop is accepted. Yea, the sun beam falls alike upon the dust and the mirror, yet differ they in reflection even as doth the star from the earth: nay, immeasurable is the difference!" (Hwp 30) (65:9)

"We should, therefore, detach ourselves from the external forms and practice of religion. We must realize that these forms and practices, however beautiful, are but garments clothing the warm heart and living limbs of Divine truth." (Pt 136) (65:10)

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