"If you want to get along with your fellows, please remember that your private vocabulary is singular to yourself, and the other people's vocabularies often express meanings known only to them... From the world of our private meanings, there is no communication with the outside... No two people talk an identical language. No recipient of messages has shared the same experience as the sender... (D. Fink - Psych) (67:8) "For purposes of helping your nerves, this analysis of words-- tools of thought-- can be useful to you... (Do so) the next time your son makes you angry or worries you. Thus, you may be able to stall your emotional machinery before the engine starts and backfires. (D. Fink - Psych) (67:9) "Words are indeed triggers to action. The gun is always loaded. You... (should be) able to identify your target before you press the trigger." (D. Fink - Psych) (67:10) "All of us have... habit patterns of irrational behavior that limit our possibilities for adaption to our immediate problems... Complexes distort clear thinking... (D. Fink - Psych) (67:11) "Most emotional habits are un verbalized, but they control nearly all of our conscious life. (D. Fink - Psych) (67:12) "Un verbalized habits are dynamic. The demand expression... can be a heavy drag. To prevent such habit patterns from directing you... bring them into consciousness. You can verbalize them and so bring them under control. (D. Fink - Psych)