"As we... reflect... upon this infinite universe, we observe that motion without a motive force, and an effect without a cause are both impossible." (Bwf 344) (7:1) "All things must needs have a cause, a motive power, and animating principle." (Gl 157) (7:2) The wise and reflecting soul will know of a certainty that this infinite universe with all its grandeur and order could not have come to exist by itself." (Bwf 344) (7:3) "Magnified be the name of Him Who hath created, and is the Cause of, these causes, Who hath ordained that every change and variation in the world of being be made dependent upon them." (Gl 160) (7:4) "The wisdom and policy" (Patterns) "of God are reality and truth, whereas human policy is accidental and limited to our finite understanding." (Pup 309) (7:5) "All things are subject to reformation." (Bwf 224) (7:6) "In this Day, the Beginning is reflected in the End." (Bwf 96) (7:7) "The time is at hand when whatsoever lieth hid in the souls and hearts of men will be disclosed." (Esw 107) (7:8) "For results depend upon means." (Hwp 51,80) (7:9) "Absolute repose does not exist in nature. All things either make progress or lose ground... Thus it is evident that movement is essential to all existence." (Pt 88- 9) (7:10) And "outward conduct is but a reflection of... inward life." (Gl 271) (7:11) "If a man reflects he will understand the spiritual significance of the law of progress;... all moves from the inferior to the superior degree." (Pt 94) (7:12) "Behold the disturbances which, for many a long year, have afflicted the earth... Though the world is encompassed with misery and distress, yet no man hath paused to reflect what the cause or source of that may be." ((Gl 218) (7:13) "Do not allow your minds to dwell on the present, but with eyes of faith look into the future, for in truth the Spirit of God is working in your midst." (Pt 169) (7:14) "By nature is meant those inherent properties and necessary relations derived from the realities of things. And these realities of things, though in the utmost diversity, are yet intimately connected one with another... An all- unifying agency is needed that shall link them all one to the other." Each reality, though "utterly unconscious of that all- unifying agency... yet acteth with regularity and discharges its functions according to its will" (the will of the unifying agency). (Bwf 340)