"Love is... the Manifestation of the All- Merciful, the fountain of spiritual outpourings. (72:1) "Love is heaven's kindly light, the Holy Spirit's eternal breath that vivifies the human soul. (72:2) "Love is the cause of God's Revelation unto man, the vital bond inherent... in the realities of things. (72:3) "Love is the one means that insures true felicity both in this world and the next. (72:4) "Love is the light that guideth in darkness, the living link that uniteth God with man, that assureth the progress of every illumined soul... (72:5) "Love revealeth with unfailing and limitless power the mysteries latent in the universe. (72:6) "Love is the spirit of life unto the adorned body of mankind, the establisher of true civilization in this mortal world, and the shedder of imperishable glory upon every high- aiming race... (72:7) "Love is the most great law that ruleth this mighty and heavenly cycle, the unique power that bindeth together the divers elements of the material world, the supreme... force that directs the movements of the spheres in the celestial realms." (Dal 108- 9) (72:8) "Consider... the attainment of pleasures and happiness in this mortal world. How easy it is for the animal... They have no labor for their livelihood and happiness because everything is provided... for them." (Pup 179) (72:9) "Although man is part of the animal creation, he possesses a power of thought superior to all other created beings... (But) if... his thought does not soar, but is directed downwards to center itself upon the things of this world, he grows more and more material until he arrives at a state little better than that of a mere animal." (Pt 17- 8) (72:10) "A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances. A complaining soul complains even if he lives in paradise." (SofW Vol 7 p186) (72:11) "Inasmuch as human interpretations and blind imitations differ widely, religious strife and disagreements have arisen... the light of true religion has been extinguished." (Bwf 226) (72:12) "Man is he who forgets his own interests for the sake of others... Consider how the greatest men in the world... have forfeited their own comfort, have sacrificed their own pleasures for the well- being of humanity." (Fwu 42- 3) (72:13) "The life of man is... divine, eternal, not mortal and sensual... His life is intended to be a life of spiritual enjoyment to which the animal can never attain... The happiness of man is in the fragrance of the love of God."