"As long as man is in the matrix of the human world, as long as he is the captive of nature, he is out of touch with and without knowledge of the universe of the Kingdom. If he attains rebirth while in the world of nature, he will become informed of the divine world. He will observe that another higher world exists." (Pup 298) (82:1) In the human world and in the earthly consciousness "trials... beset our every step; all our sorrow, pain, shame and grief, are born in the world of matter; whereas the spiritual Kingdom never causes sadness. A man living with his thoughts in this Kingdom knows perpetual joy. The ills all flesh is heir to, do not pass him by, but they only touch the surface of his life; the depths are calm and serene." (Pt 110) (82:2) "O Son of Desire! How long wilt thou soar in the realms of desire? Wings have I bestowed upon thee, that thou mayest fly to the realms of mystic holiness and not the regions of satanic fancy." (Hwp 50) (82:3) "What 'oppression' is more grievous that than a soul seeking the truth, and wishing to attain unto the knowledge of God, should know not where to go for it and from whom to seek it?... By 'oppression' is meant the want of capacity to acquire spiritual knowledge and apprehend the Word of God." (Iqan 31- 2) (82:4) "Truth may be likened to the sun! The sun is the luminous body that disperses all shadows; in the same way does truth scatter the shadows of our imagination. As the sun gives life to the body of humanity, so does truth give life to their souls." (Pt 127- 8) (82:5) "My purpose... was that thou mightest attain My everlasting dominion... And yet heedless thou didst remain, and... didst neglect all My bounties and occupied thyself with thine idle imaginings, in such wise that thou didst become wholly forgetful, and, turning away from the portals of the Friend didst abide within the courts of My enemy." (Hwp 32) (82:6) "Today, humanity is bowed down with trouble... no one escapes;... but thank God, the remedy is at our doors. Let us turn our hearts away from the things of the world; we must strive to become more spiritual." (Pt 87) (82:7) "Our greatest efforts must be directed towards detachment from the things of the world; we must strive to become more spiritual." (Pt 87) (82:8) "The wayfarer in this Valley (Valley of Knowledge)... breaketh the cage of the body and the passions, and consorteth with the people of the immortal realm." (7 Val 12)