"Man is a child of God; most noble, lofty and beloved by God, his Creator. Therefore he must ever strive that the divine bounties and virtues bestowed upon him may prevail and control him. Just now the soil of human hearts seems like black earth, but in the inmost substance of this dark soil there are thousands of fragrant flowers latent. We must endeavor to cultivate and awaken these potentialities... bring forth these resplendent powers long hidden in human hearts." (Pup 288) (93:4) "The light of the intellect enables us to understand and realize all that exists, but it is only the Divine Light that can give us sight for the invisible things and which enables us to see truths that will only by visible to the world thousands of years hence. It was the Divine Light which enables the Prophets to see two thousand years in advance what was going to take place... Thus it is this Light which we must strive to seek." (Pt 69) (93:5) "If your days on earth are numbered, you (can) know that everlasting life awaits you." (Pt 111) (93:6) "Lift up your hearts above the present and look with eyes of faith into the future!" (Pt 68) (93:7) "Changes brought about in every Dispensation constitute the dark clouds that intervene between... man's understanding an the Divine Luminary." (Bwf 18) (93:8) "Our attention is directed toward the heavenly Kingdom unto which we must render faithful service... Praise be to God! we are living in a century of light... Praise be to God! we are alive in this time of the manifestation of divine love." (Pup 228) (93:9) "When... the lights of knowledge envelop his (seeker's) being... at that hour... the Mystic Herald... will awaken the heart, the soul and the spirit form the slumber of heedlessness." "This is the day when pure hearts have a portion of the everlasting bounties." (Bwf 107; Pup 89)