Who is Bahá'u'lláh (27:0) Qb Bahá'u'lláh is a Manifestation of God (a Messenger, Major Prophet, Christ - see 'Who is Christ'). He declared that he was the "Promised One" of all world religions, fulfilling the messianic prophecies of each. (27:1) From Judaism: From Christianity: From Zoroastrianism: From Shi'a Islam: From Sunni Islam: From Bábism: From Hinduism From Buddhism Bahá'u'lláh said that he was one of a series of interrelated Messengers who speak for God and reflect His attributes (not God's essence embodied in human form). They have a two-fold station; one in which they reveal God's attributes, and one which is human, with human limitations. They speak in a two-fold Language, one as though speaking as God, and the other as if instructed by God to bring a message. (27:10) Bahá'u'lláh is descended from Abraham through his third wife Keturah, and is believed to be descended from a long line of Persian kings through Yazdgerd III, the last monarch of the Sasanian Dynasty.