Time in Physical World
 Our vision veils origins, objectives of
 In light of; patterns and changes seen
 Is dimension of ages, stages, cycles
 Look beyond present with eyes of faith
 Surrounds body as does place
 Optimism about; urged for youth
 Seen with eye of faith
 Seen; 2000 years ahead; by prophets
 Unveiled only by God
 Views of; given by religion
 Laws fit social requirements
 Each age has it's own problem
 Ages of darkness ended
 Human soul has existed here for
 Many universal cycles, traces gone
 Manifestation every 1000 years
The Present
 Age; be concerned with its needs
 Bahá'í Cycle; time to recognize God
 Century; compare it to others
 Bahá'u'lláh Universal Manifestation
 Now is time to readjust morals
 Now is time promised by Prophets
 Now Sun of Truth reappears
 Referred to by Jesus
 This century is one of new life
 This century is one of radiance
 This age; Bahá'u'lláh's effect upon it
 This age; Bahá'í teachings applicable
 Century of new life (the present)
 Day & night exist in the Spiritual World
 Standard of Judgment
 Every age has its own problems
 God has a fixed time for people
 Nineteenth Century; Religions of
 No man stand in need of neighbor
 Right time for everything; God's