K-M Qur'an:
 Creation of
 Enter with shaved heads/short hair
 Believer inconceivable unless..
 Reparations for
 Killing believer/punishment
 Don't harm those offering peace
 Children buried alive/for what crime
 Hypocrites will be slain in Medina
 Not for material gain
 Only during hostilities in progress
 Oppression more awesome than
 Study nature to acquire
 Travel to learn
 KUFR (denial of the truth)
 LANGUAGE; diversity in
 Attraction of worldly
 Is sacred
 Good things made lawful
 Contentment path made easy
 MADYAN (Midian)
 Evidence required (four witnesses)
 False accusers punishment
 If there aren't four witnesses
 Marriage after
 Punishment for
 Fear breach/appoint arbiter
 Don't hold wives against their will
 Mutually agreed arrangements
 Woman may return it
 Forbidden to certain kin
 Forbidden to non-believers
 Fornication forbidden
 If unable
 If woman fears her husband
 Love and tenderness
 Restrictions about polygamy
 Warning against polygamy
 Recline with spouses in Paradise
 Spouses are raiment for each other
 Adopt son's ex-wife permitted
 To orphans
 To single woman only
 To slave and among slaves
 Woman if need arises
 Better if men don't marry slave
 Even if married before captured
 Punishment 1/2 of free women's
 To unmarried only
 Not a deity
 And the Prophet's wives
 Envy forbidden
 Greed brings destruction
 Punishment for
 Ruining others forbidden
 Duty to visit Mecca for the Hajj
 Turn and pray toward
 Not necessary/Allah everywhere
 Valley of
 Molten copper
 MOCKERY;leave those mocking Allah's law
 MONASTIC Asceticism Criticised
 Some devour people's possessions
 Some turn people away from Allah
 Taken as lords by some people
 Four sacred
 Fighting forbidden during
 Unless attacked
 Twelve (lunar) in a year
 Bringing forth water from the rock
 Commands to his people
 Duel with Pharaoh magicians
 Forty nights upon Mt. Sinai
 House of
 Parting of the Red Sea
 Disbelievers not visit/care for
 Rival one in Quba is forbidden
 As judge for followers
 Dares not alter Qur' an/act contrarily
 Exemptions from marriage laws
 Like of a pretty woman
 Marriage; kinship allowances in
 Marriage; restrictions
 Mystical ascension
 Not a madman
 Only a prophet
 Prayed for non-believing Uncle
 Reacted against something lawful
 'seal' of the prophets
 Summons from
 Taking leave of
 Unlettered prophet
 Visiting wives
 Widowed wives not to remarry