Man; Actions of
Acting like beasts unworthy of man
Brutal if he rejects the Holy Spirit
Following lusts is error
Without spiritual education; is a brute
Makes nature his servant
Doesn't create religion
Pursuing passion blinds inner sight
Stopping ears to truth causes evil
Wrong use of qualities is evil
Man; Attributes of
Affected by power of Bahá'í Cause
Animal side; man has, needs education
Capable of extremes in virtues & vices
Capability to know and love God
Divine and human nature compete
Energies are latent in man
Faculties are directed by soul
Filled with Holy Spirit; makes power
Gifts of; compared
Inspired by Holy Spirit if teach
Mysteries of Divine Spirit in man
No freedom from passion without Holy Spirit
Peace upon man in path of the Cause
Station of; great if firm in the Cause
Subject to power of the lusts
Superiority is in being a soul
Turned always towards the heights
Two natures; material and spiritual
Two powers; material and spiritual
Two sides; animal and angelic
Understanding; the first gift of God
Wings given for specific purpose
Man; Purpose of
To carry forward civilization
To enjoy divine and material pleasures
To illumine the world
To know and love God
To know and love God
To radiate light to the world
Man; Reality of
At end of darkness & the start of light
Believers are like college students
Man is book of certitude
Collective center; spiritual forces
Compared to animal
Contains lower world; superior to it
Contrasted with nature
High degree of materiality; low in spirit
Highest species; virtues of all classes
In God's image
Most noble of created beings
Nearest creature to God's nature
Only place perfections of the spirit shown
Part animal; but thought can lift him
Part of nature; but above it
Perfect mirror of the Sun of Truth
His reality is not his body
His reality is not his body
Is shown proper behavior to check impulses
Is a sign of both worlds
Is a sign of both worlds
Is sum of creation; Manifestation
Is sum of perfections; perfect
Be ye trustees of God
Rational Man; Action of
Action of; helps soul grow etc
Action of; is often unproductive
Discovers the realities of things
Sees action patterns in time
Serves, at times, only material life
Used wrongly; a worst misuse
Rational Man; Attributes of
Appetites of; not to be over-indulged
Clouded by changes in dispensations
His outer consciousness called 'mind'
His freedom and mastery over nature
His mortal vision; like a veil
Satan is Lower Nature of man
Knowledge versus divine knowledge
Fancies; setting ones heart on is bad
Fancy; regions of; not to be sought
Fancy; regions of; not to be sought
Fancy; one's heart must be cleansed of
Power; let it be overcome
Self; must be burned in fire of love
Strength changed to heavenly power
Bondage to; deliver selves from
Captive to self and desire; nations are
Captive to; people are held
Conquer; prayer asking to
Contemplation of; should end
Full of; can't hold water of life
Leave servants to self; may God not
Prison of self
Renounce; to enter kingdom revealed
Renouncing; only way to peace
Sacrifice; in love for others
Sacrificing; required
Something greater; not self-love
Surrender; most exalted station
Victim of; soul becomes as described
Victory over; gain it
Vision confined to; is bad