1st Coming - Understand Prophecy - Yamartino
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Chapter 42 of  60

Commentary (42:19)

Though a prophecy, it is clear that it was not intended to lead one to Christ. It offers no clues that the seeker might have used to find the Christ in his search. There are some details given in the prophecy; some of which have literal, and some symbolic meanings. Understanding the meaning of this prophecy would have been an insurmountable task before its fulfillment. Even after fulfillment, the meaning is subject to varying interpretation (42:20)

Intuitively, from our knowledge of the Savior given us in the New Testament, we understand the meaning of the first verse of Isaiah's prophecy. From the second verse on, however, our intuition fails us (42:21)

What does it mean by "He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street."? And what about the "reed" and the "flax"? The word "reed" is used with various meanings in the New Testament: sometimes literal, sometimes symbolic. There is no use in the New Testament of the word "flax", besides the above mention in Matthew . And which "isles" and which "law" are meant? (42:22)

Of course, it is possible that there are several different interpretations to each verse in this prophecy, each of which are correct. But certainly, it is only after fulfillment that they could have been understood (42:23)

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