1st Coming - Understand Prophecy - Yamartino
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Chapter 46 of  60

The prophet was simply speaking the holy words that were revealed to him. Eventually the meaning of these words would become clear to those who believed in Christ. Isn't this all that really matters? (46:15)

Speaking of the use of literal and symbolic language, we can see now that both His Kingship and riding upon a donkey can have both literal or both symbolic meanings. In a sense Christ was, and is, King in a symbolic way. In another sense, he is King in a more real and literal sense than any king whose kingdom was ever of this earth. At the same time, it can be said that His riding upon a donkey was a symbol of His meekness before men, a meekness, which despite His great power, no man can ever hope to attain. At the same time, the manner of His entrance into Jerusalem fulfilled in a literal sense the words spoken by Zechariah, some five hundred years previous (46:16)

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