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5 ADMINISTRATION (Study and Apply) "Without the study and application of the administration the teaching of the Cause becomes not only meaningless, but loses in effectiveness and scope."
6 ADMINISTRATIVE MACHINERY (Related to America) "Now that they (the American believers) have erected the administrative machinery of the Cause they must put it to its real use-- serving only as an instrument to facilitate the flow of the spirit of the Faith out into the world. Just as the muscles enable the body to carry out the will of the individual, all Assemblies and committees must enable the believers to carry forth the Message of God to the waiting public, the love of Baha'u'llah, and the healing laws and principles of the Faith to all men."
7 AFRICAN STUDENTS AND VISITORS "He hopes that wherever it is possible the believers will make every effort to contact African students and visitors, and to show them kindness and hospitality. This may not only lead to the conversion of some while in America, but will also make friends for the Faith in Africa."
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