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62 ELECTIONS (Assembly Voting) "With these Assemblies, Local as well as National, harmoniously, vigorously and efficiently functioning throughout the Baha'i world, the only means for the establishment of the Supreme House of Justice will have been assured. And when this Supreme Body will have been properly established, it will have to consider afresh the whole situation, and lay down the principle which shall direct, as long as it deems advisable, the affairs of the Cause.
"Pending the establishment, and to insure uniformity throughout the East and throughout the West, all Local Assemblies will have to be re- elected once a year, during the first day of Ridvan, and the result of polling, if possible, be declared on that day."
63 ELECTIONS (The Character of Baha'i) "Let us recall His explicit and often- repeated assurance that every Assembly elected in that rarified atmosphere of selflessness and detachment is in truth, appointed of God, that its verdict is truly inspired, that one and all should submit to its decision unreservedly and with cheerfulness ... the elector ... is called upon to vote for none but those whom prayer and reflection have inspired him to uphold... Hence it is incumbent upon the chosen delegates to consider without the least trace of passion and prejudice, and irrespective of any material consideration, the names of only those who can best combine the necessary qualities of unquestioned loyalty, of selfless devotion, of a well- trained mind, of recognized ability and mature experience... Nothing short of the all- encompassing, all- pervading power of His Guidance and Love can enable this newly enfolded order to gather strength and flourish amid the storm and stress of a turbulent age, and in the fullness of time vindicate its high claim to be universally recognized as the one Haven of abiding felicity and peace."
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