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85 FUNERAL (Baha'i Funeral Service) "Regarding the Baha'i funeral service: It is extremely simple, as it consists only of a congregational prayer to be read before burial. This prayer will be made available to the friends when the Aqdas is translated and published. In the meantime your N.S.A. should take great care lest any uniform procedure or ritual in this matter be adopted or imposed upon the friends. The danger in this, as in some other cases regarding Baha'i worship, is that a definite system of rigid rituals and practices be developed among the believers. The utmost simplicity and flexibility should be observed, and a selection from the Baha'i Sacred Writing should serve the purpose at the present time, provided this selection is not rigidly and uniformly adopted on all such occasions."
"There is no objection whatsoever to non- Baha'is being present when the long prayer for the dead is read, as long as they respect our manner of reading it by rising and standing as the Baha'is do on this occasion. Nor, indeed, is there any objection to non- Baha'is being present during the reading of any Baha'i prayer for the departed.
"An official Baha'i funeral service should only be given for a believer, but there is no objection to the reading of Baha'i prayers, or indeed, to a Baha'i conducting the funeral service of a non- Baha'i if this has been requested."
86 GREATEST NAME (Translation of Symbol of) "He also wishes me to inform you that the symbol of the Greatest Name represents an invocation which can be translated either as `O Glory of Glories' or `O Glory of the All- Glorious'. The word Glory used in this connection is a translation of the Arabic term `Baha', the name of Baha'u'llah."
87 GROUP, BAHA'I " to an isolated believer, any number of confirmed Baha'is less than nine persons should be considered as automatically constituting a Baha'i Group..."
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