Directives of Guardian - Shoghi Effendi
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181 SPIRITUALITY (The Troubles of This World Pass)
"As we suffer these misfortunes we must remember that the Prophets of God Themselves were not immune from these things which men suffer. They knew sorrow, illness and pain too. They rose above these things through Their spirits, and that is what we must try and do too, when afflicted. The troubles of this world pass, and what we have left is what we have made of our souls; so it is to this we must look-- to becoming more spiritual, drawing nearer to God, no matter what our human minds and bodies go through." (68:2)

182 SUMMER SCHOOLS (The Baha'i)
"Definite courses should be given along the different phases of the Baha'i Faith and in a manner that will stimulate the students to proceed in their studies privately once they return home, for the period of a few days is not sufficient to learn everything. They have to be taught the habit of studying the Cause constantly, for the more we read the Words the more will the truth they contain be revealed to us." (68:3)

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