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199 TEACHING (Greater Unity Among the Friends) "Regarding your question about the need for greater unity among the friends, there is no doubt that this is so, and the Guardian feels that one of the chief instruments for promoting it is to teach the Baha'is themselves, in classes and through precepts, that love of God, and consequently of men, is the essential foundation of every religion, our own included. A greater degree of love will produce a greater unity, because it enables people to bear with each other, to be patient and forgiving."
200 TEACHING (Love and Unity) "The most important thing for the believers is, of course, to be united and to really love each other for the sake of God, (Otherwise it is not possible to love everyone). However, if communities wait until love and complete harmony are established before teaching, the teaching work will come to a standstill. Both sides must be cultivated; whilst actively teaching the friends must themselves be taught and deepened in the spirit of the Faith, which brings love and unity."
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