Attributes Physical World
 Of soul to be viewed
 One kind of knowledge
 Beginning Indicates Source; not Time
 Conduct reflects inner life
 Enjoined to spread the Faith
 Generated by Word of God
 Generated by Word of God
 In material world cyclic; no regress
 Is to soul as foliage to trees
 Manifested in reality of love
 Of spirit at all levels is love
 Produced by a cause; cause and effect
 Knowledge and volition needed
 Make one; liked or disliked
 Is a human action pattern
 Choice; good and evil belongs to man
 Choice; good and evil belongs to man
 Humans choose shame; God glory
 Man's choice; divinity and nature
 Path to lord; by whoso desireth
 Some choices subject to free will
 Of what eyes to use in seeing
 Wise choices need awareness of evil
 Wise choice possible via revelation
 Conduct Reflects Inner Life
 Disccovery; Power of
 East; where Sun Rises; Religions Start
 Good Actions are Fruits of Faith
 Highest Actions Introduced by Jesus
 Motion generated in creation
 Motion generated in creation
 Ideals Must be Carried into Action
 Impetus to Action is Desire
 Jesus was a Star in the East
 Knowledge without Action is Fruitless
 Mans Actions Must Illumine the World
 Manifestation's Life Pattern
Origin and Cause
 Beginning indicates source; not time
 Beginning; is reflected in end
 Beginning same as end with God
 Cause of all causes is God
 Cause of disturbances not asked
 Priority; cause and time; two kinds
 Source of all things is God
 Universe had no beginning
 Universe had to have cause
 Human views of time veil origins
 Laws; see also action
 Human policy vs divine
 Manifestations life pattern
 Of progress visible
 Seen in light of time
 Essence of; is God's
 Greatest in existence
 Motive force essential to motion
 Needed for peace; to overcome world
 Of existence is spirit
 One behind all existence
 Source of; is promotion of God's Word
 Sustaining all things is from God
Power; Kinds & Specific Ones
 Physical; greater in animal than man
 Forces originating in dust; unworthy
 God's in relation to creation
 Heavenly; make man noble
 Heavenly; satanic strength converted
 Hidden in men to be shown; redoubled
 Ideal; gives man spiritual perception
 Of attraction causes materiality
 Of discovery separates man from animal
 Of faithful in next life is tremendous
 Of lusts causes sin
 Of reasoning; not in weak intellect
 Of religion not be neglected; potent
 Of soul is spirit
 Of soul sustains body
 Of soul; all embracing; mentioned
 Thought & animal force are partners
 Two; man has; material and spiritual
 Used in wrong ways
Reacting; Actions; Attr; Elements of
 Love power activated by what is seen
 Negative feelings stifle soul's life
 Positive feelings bring out love
 Three steps of reacting
 Dealing with complex matters
 Each a step in living
Reacting; Kinds of
 In Kingdom revealed; described
 Physical actions; body carries out
 To divinity; is life of soul
 Repose Does Not Exist in Nature
 Righteous Acts Produced by Religion
 Power beginning to be manifest now
 Power; intelligence of man described
 Power; latent; be brought out in man
 Power/materiality; two wings of bird
 Power; man's unlimited; fill purpose
 Power; of departed souls described
 Power; required for cause of peace
 Power; spiritual love of God is pure
 Power; to control ourselves; we have
 Power; rule material intelligence
 Thoughts Must be Expressed in Action
 To Do comes after To Know
 Virtue of Action Conditioned by God
 Wrong Use of Qualities is Evil