1st Coming - Understand Prophecy - Yamartino
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Chapter 32 of  60

The prophecies presented here will be generally in this form: I have numbered the prophecies as they appear in the order Matthew has presented them. For each of these, after having given the Old Testament reference, under the heading "Predictions", I explore briefly what these words could have meant to someone seeking the Christ at His First Coming. That is, we will attempt to look at the words through the eyes of the seeker. After this, the verses from the book of Matthew , indicating fulfillment of these words, are given. Finally I conclude with commentary on the possible significance of the whole process (32:6)

As with the previous chapter, you may not want to read the presentation of all nineteen prophecies at this time. By reading the first few of these, you will get a feel for the relationship between prophecy and fulfillment. The rest can be revisited at a later time if you choose (32:7)

I think you will agree, that it is evident from the very first prophecy examined, how difficult a task it would have been to recognize the Christ through scripture (32:8)

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