Bahá'u'lláh New Era (index):-
Preface to 1970 Edition
Chap 1: Glad Tidings
Mission of Bahá'u'lláh
Fulfillment of Prophecies
Proofs of Prophethood
Chap 2: The Báb
Early Life
Claims of the Báb
Martyrdom of the Báb
Writings of Báb
Social & Other Teachings
Passion and Triumph
Chap 3: Bahá'u'lláh
Early Life & Exile
In Wilderness
Declaration at Ridvan
Letters to Kings
Imprisonment in Akka
Prison Gates Opened
Life at Bahji
His Mission
His Writings
The Bahá'í Spirit
Chap 4: 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Early Life/Marriage
Center of the Covenant
Strict Imprisonment Renewed
Commissions Investigate
Western Tours
Return to Holy Land
War Time at Haifa
Last Years
Writings & Addresses
Station of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Exemplar of Bahá'í Life
Chap 5: What is Bahá'í
Search After Truth
Love of God
Sin-covering Eye
Devotional Attitude
Necessity for Mediator
Prayer Indispensable
Congregational Prayer
Deliverance from Calamities
Prayer & Natural Law
Bahá'í Prayers
Chap 7: Health/Healing
Prophet as Physician
Power of Holy Spirit
Attitude of Patient
The Healer
How All Can Help
Right Use of Health
Chap 8: Religious Unity
Message of Bahá'u'lláh
1st Steps Toward Unity
Progressive Revelation
Infallibility of Prophets
The Supreme Manifestation
Bahá'í Revelation Fullness
The Bahá'í Covenant
No Priesthood
Chap 9: True Civilization
Political Freedom
Rulers and Subjects
Economic Problems
Public Finance
Ethics of Wealth
Industrial Slavery
Equality Men/Women
Differences of Nature
Character Training
Treatment of Criminals
Influence of the Press
Chap 10: Way to Peace
Race/Patriotic Prejudice
Territorial Ambitions
League of Nations
International Arbitration
Limitation of Armaments
Righteous Warfare
Unity of East/West
Chap 11: Some Teachings
Spiritual Assemblies
The Fast
Nineteen Day Feast
Life After Death
Heaven and Hell
Oneness Two Worlds
Nonexistence of Evil
Chap 12: Relig/Science
Dawn of Reconciliation
Divine Manifestations
Evolution of Man
Body and Soul
The Era of Unity
Chap 13: Prophecies
Prophecies re Christ
Prophecies re Bahá'í
Glory of God & Branch
The Day of God
Return of Christ
Time of the End
Signs in Heaven/Earth
Manner of Coming
Chap 14: Abdu'l-Bahá
Napoleon III
The Great War
Social Troubles After
Coming of the Kingdom
Akka and Haifa
Chap 15: Retrospect
Prophethood & Bahá'í
Need New Revelation
Will and Testament
The Guardian
Hands of the Cause
The Administrative Order
World Order Bahá'u'lláh